Getting Started
Welcome to Market Magento Theme!
Firstly, a huge thanks for purchasing this theme, your support is truly appreciated!
This document covers the installation and use of this theme, reveals some answers to common problems and issues. We encourage you to read throughout this document if you are experiencing any difficulties. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of document, please feel free to contact us via our Support Tickets System
Compatible with Magento:
Please click here to view the documentation for SM Market Magento Ver 2.x.
Note: If you are using an older version (Magento 1.9.x only), you should not upgrade to the latest version. Because we changed layout's structure in many parts (from version 4.4.0 - Example: We changed Camera slider module to static block...). We recommend you to install a new one.
Magento Information
To install this theme you must have a working version of Magento already installed. If you need help installing Magento, follow below sites and tutorials from, hope everything that you need are there.
- System Requirements - Required system credentials for your magento installation.
- Online Magento 1 guide - Online magento documentation that describes about magento 1 in detail.
- Magento Forum - Magento forum site.
- - You can also get some useful articles from stackoverflow.
Prepare Installation
There are two ways to install a Magento Theme:
- Quickstart Installation: Suitable if you have your first installation and want to get a whole new fresh site as our Demo.
- Manual Installation (including Theme Installation): Suitable if your store is full with content that you don't want to overwrite.
Quickstart Installation
Magentech provides SM Quickstart package for each theme which aims to ease the installation for users. If you plan to start your site from the beginning, it will help you save much time of installing and configuring.
Please follow steps below:- Step 1: Download the quickstart package named as sm_market_quickstart_pl_m1.9.3.8_v4.7.0
- Step 2: Upload and Extract the whole Quickstart package to your server. In Quickstart folder you will see the extracted folder that include all sample data
- Step 3: Create a Database for your Magento site
Important: You can extract package by this command:
Sometimes your site is broken, after run this command, it's because of you ran this command with the incorrect user. If your site was broken, it's very important to set the file's permissions and ownership correctly, after run this command line. You can refer this commandchown -R <owner>:<group> <magento root directory path>
.Typical examples:
chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/sm_market1938
Note: You need to remember the database name to use in the next steps
- Step 4: Start installation by opening browser and navigate to your URL (where the Quickstart uploaded) to load default Magento installer. Please follow each step of the Installer so that the installation process can be set.
- Step 5: Locale Settings. Please fill fully into Required Fields ("Locale; Time Zone and Default Currency".)
- Step 6: In the Configuration step, input the required fields as below.
- Database Name: sm-market-quickstart( It must be the exact name of database you have just created)
- User name: Enter "User name"
- User password: Enter "User password"
- Step 7: Create Admin Account. Please fill out Required Fields ("First Name; Last Name; Email; Username; password and confirm password" completely.)
- Step 8: Finish Installation and now you can click Go to Frontend to open Homepage or click Go to Backend to open Admin Panel.
Manual Installation
- Step 1: Please unzip 'sm_market_theme_m1.9.x_v4.7.0' file and upload folders skin; media; lib; js; app from the theme package to the root of your magento site folder on your server.
- Step 2:
Log in to your Admin Panel (e.g. http://yourdomain/index.php/admin/)
Note: If you are using the Admin Panel when copying folders in step 1, you need to log out and log in back.
- Step 3: Disable Cache: Go to System >> Cache Management, click 'Sellect All' button, then choose 'Disable' and click 'Submit' button to complete the action.
- Step 4: Navigate to System >> Configuration >> Web as the image below.
- Step 5: Continue navigating to Design tab below Web tab and save your changes as the image below.
- Step 6: Finally, Click button "Save Config" to save your configuration
Note: In Default pages, select the page as the homepage for your store, pay attention that: In "Current Configuration Scope", select your store before completing other parameters.
Note: You can configure the header with Logo ( image, text for logo, text for welcome symbol), and configure the Footer with Copy Right
Theme Setting
In Magento admin panel, navigate to SM Market Setting and configure its settings as you want.
Please click Here to view the theme settings.
Set Below options
- Layout Style: This theme support boxed and full width layout. You can select a layout style that you want.
- Header Style, Home Style: We support 8 homepages style. You can choose other styles by changing this parameters. Click here to view example.
- Theme Color: In this option, you can set main color of entire page.
- Right to Left: This theme support right to left layout. Choose "Yes" to view.
Entire Page
In these options, you can change main font, font size, link color, text color, background, etc.Menu
- Menu Style: This theme support mega menu and css menu. You can select a menu style that you want. + Mega Menu: The menu are items that you have created from module megamenu.
- Menu on Top: Choose "Yes" to turn on "Sticky Menu" feature, the menu will be fixed on top when scroll down the page.
- Mobile Menu Type: This theme support sidebar menu and collapse on mobile. You can select a menu style that you want.
+ CSS Menu: The menu are categories that you have created.
To display zoom image of product, adjust Zoom Mode, related product, up-sell product, Custom tab and content, etc…
Show Facebook: Allow to Enable/Disable Facebook
Facebook Name: Allow to input the name of Facebook
Facebook Url: Allow to input the Url of Facebook
Show Twitter: Allow to Enable/Disable Twitter
Twitter Name: Allow to input the name of Twitter
Twitter Url: Allow to input the Url of Twitter
Show Google+: Allow to Enable/Disable Google+
Google+ Name: Allow to input the name of Google+
Google+ Url: Allow to input the Url of Google+
Show Linkedin: Allow to Enable/Disable Linkedin
Linkedin Name: Allow to input the name of Linkedin
Linkedin Url: Allow to input the Url of Linkedin
Show Flickr: Allow to Enable/Disable Flickr
Show Newsletter Popup: Allow to Enable/Disable Newsletter Popup.
Show Go to Top: Allow to Enable/Disable Go to Top.
Use Add to Cart: Allow to Enable/Disable Cart.
Use Add to Wislist: Allow to Enable/Disable Wishlist.
Use Add to Compare: Allow to Enable/Disable Compare.
Enable Custom Copyright: Allow to Enable/Disable Custom Copyright.
Copyright: If you select "Yes", please custom copyright here, or else "No" will display the default copyright of Magento.
Custom CSS: Allow to custom css.
Custom Javascript: Allow to custom Javascript.
Custom Css, Javascript: To custom Css or Javascript.
Instead of creating a static block, page or each item in mega menu, now if you want to it like demo, just click “import…” button, simple and easy to get all the same as Demo layout.
Import Static Blocks
By clicking this button, you can import all static blocks that are used for our demo site.
Import Pages
By clicking this button, you can import all pages that are used for our demo site.
Import Menu Sample Data
Click button to create demo data for Megamenu.
1. To "Theme Installation", pay attention that after clicking"Import Static Block" or "Import Pages", the below notification will appear to announce that you import data successfully.
However, you have to come back CMS >> Static Block ( or Pages) to configure and select Store View for each Block or Page.2. After "Import Pages", navigate to CMS >> Pages to see list Pages. Make sure you do not change the url key because the homepage will error the css style.
3. You need to give the permission for your block.
Go to System >> Permissions >> Blocks. Click "add new block" button to add all blocks as image here and isAllowed -> Yes
Now click "Save Block" and Clear cache.
Layout Position
Homepage Configuration
- To configure the default home page for your store, please go to System >> Configuration >> General >> Web >> Default Pages tab, select the desired page in the CMS Home Page field and save configuration.
- You need to change to the website / store view that you want to change (the dropdown menu in the upper left corner). You will probably have to create a new CMS page if you want to have something different from your default home page.
From the top menu, please select CMS >> Pages. Here you can find all the store pages that you have imported, so you don't need to add them. You only need to update the pages HTML and XML content as you wish.
- Step 1. Open any of them in order to get the access to the content.
- Step 2. Edit the content as you desire
- Page Information Tab: Please click to see the Backend Settings.
- Content Tab: Please click to see the Backend Settings. Copy and paste the following code into the Content field::
<div class="home-page-1"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-9 col-lg-offset-3"> {{block type="searchboxpro/list" template="sm/searchboxpro/top-search.phtml"}} <div class="clearfix slidershow-banner"> <div class="image-slider-home "> <div class="sm-imageslider"> <div class="sm-imageslider-inner"> <div class="sm-imageslider-content owl-carousel owl-theme"> <div class="item"><a title="title" href="#"><img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/imageslider/image-banner-1.jpg"}}" alt="Slider Image" /></a></div> <div class="item"><a title="title" href="#"><img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/imageslider/image-banner-2.jpg"}}" alt="Slider Image" /></a></div> <div class="item"><a title="title" href="#"><img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/imageslider/image-banner-3.jpg"}}" alt="Slider Image" /></a></div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(".sm-imageslider-content").owlCarousel({ items:1, autoplay:true, loop:true, nav : true, dots: false, autoplaySpeed : 500, navSpeed : 500, dotsSpeed : 500, autoplayHoverPause: true, margin:1, }); }); </script> </div> <div class="static-image-1"> <ul class="static-image"> <li><a title="Static Image" href="#"> <img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/banner/banner1-1.jpg"}}" alt="Static Image" /> </a></li> <li><a title="Static Image" href="#"> <img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/banner/banner1-2.jpg"}}" alt="Static Image" /> </a></li> <li><a title="Static Image" href="#"> <img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/banner/banner1-3.jpg"}}" alt="Static Image" /> </a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="services-home clearfix"> <div class="banner-policy"> <div class="inner"> <div class="policy"><a title="90 days money back" href="#"><em class="fa fa-truck"></em><span>FREE SHIPPING<br />ON ALL ORDER</span></a></div> <div class="policy"><a title="free shipping on all orders" href="#"><em class="fa fa-recycle"></em><span>Money Back<br />Guarantee</span></a></div> <div class="policy"><a title="lowest price guarantee" href="#"><em class="fa fa-umbrella"></em><span>SAFE SHOPPING<br />GUARANTEE</span></a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> {{block type="listingtabs/list" template="sm/listingtabs/default.phtml" listingtabs_title_text="Best sellers" show_loadmore_slider="slider" filter_type="categories" filter_order_by="" product_order_by="best_sales" category_preload="139" product_category="139,50,46" product_limitation="6" nbi_column1="4" nbi_column2="3" nbi_column3="2" nbi_column4="1"}} <div class="row"> <div class="static-image-2"> <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4 static-image"><a title="Static Image" href="#"><img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/banner/banner-4.jpg"}}" alt="Static Image" /></a></div> <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4 static-image"><a class="image-top" title="Static Image" href="#"><img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/banner/banner-5.jpg"}}" alt="Static Image" /></a> <a title="Static Image" href="#"><img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/banner/banner-6.jpg"}}" alt="Static Image" /></a></div> <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4 static-image"><a title="Static Image" href="#"><img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/banner/banner-7.jpg"}}" alt="Static Image" /></a></div> </div> </div> {{block type="listingtabs/list" template="sm/listingtabs/default.phtml" listingtabs_title_text="New Arrivals" show_loadmore_slider="slider" filter_type="categories" filter_order_by="" product_order_by="lastest_product" category_preload="4" product_category="4,50,46" product_limitation="6" nbi_column1="4" nbi_column2="3" nbi_column3="2" nbi_column4="1"}} <div class="home-collection"> <div class="collections-wrap"> <div class="title-home-page"><span>Collections</span></div> <div class="collections"> <div class="owl-carousel"> <div class="item"><a title="FURNITURE" href="#"> <img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/collection/item-1.png"}}" alt="Collection Image" /> <span>FURNITURE</span> </a></div> <div class="item"><a title="GIFT IDEA" href="#"> <img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/collection/item-2.png"}}" alt="Collection Image" /> <span>GIFT IDEA</span> </a></div> <div class="item"><a title="COOL GADGETS" href="#"> <img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/collection/item-3.png"}}" alt="Collection Image" /> <span>COOL GADGETS</span> </a></div> <div class="item"><a title="OUTDOOR" href="#"> <img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/collection/item-4.png"}}" alt="Collection Image" /> <span>OUTDOOR</span> </a></div> <div class="item"><a title="Jewelry" href="#"> <img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/collection/item-5.png"}}" alt="Collection Image" /> <span>Jewelry</span> </a></div> <div class="item"><a title="Men's Fashion" href="#"> <img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/collection/item-6.png"}}" alt="Collection Image" /> <span>Men's Fashion</span> </a></div> <div class="item"><a title="FURNITURE" href="#"> <img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/collection/item-1.png"}}" alt="Collection Image" /> <span>FURNITURE</span> </a></div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(".home-collection .owl-carousel").owlCarousel({ responsive:{ 0:{ items:2 }, 480:{ items:3 }, 768:{ items:4 }, 992:{ items:5 }, 1200:{ items:6 } }, autoplay:false, loop:false, nav : true, dots: false, autoplaySpeed : 500, navSpeed : 500, dotsSpeed : 500, autoplayHoverPause: true, margin:0, }); }); </script> </div> </div> {{block type="categories/list" template="sm/categories/default.phtml"}} </div>
Please try to use below example code in your cms contents.
<div class="footer-head">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4">{{block type="page/html" template="page/html/social.phtml"}}</div>
<div class="col-lg-8 col-md-8">{{block type="newsletter/subscribe" template="newsletter/subscribe-footer.phtml"}}</div>
<div class="footer-top">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4">
<div class="contact-col">
<div class="footer-block">
<div class="footer-block-title">
<h3>Contact Us</h3>
<div class="footer-block-content">
<ul class="links-contact">
<li class="add-icon">Address: No 40 Baria Sreet 133/2 NewYork<br />City, NY, United States</li>
<li class="email-icon middle-content">Email:</li>
<li class="phone-icon">Phone 1 : 0123456789<br />Phone 2 : 0123456789</li>
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<div class="footer-block-title">
<h3>About Market</h3>
<div class="footer-block-content">
<ul class="links-footer">
<li><a title="About Us" href="{{store url=""}}about-us.html">About Us</a></li>
<li><a title="Market Reviews" href="#">Market Reviews</a></li>
<li><a title="Terms of Use" href="#">Terms of Use</a></li>
<li><a title="Privacy Policy" href="#">Privacy Policy</a></li>
<li><a title="Site Map" href="#">Site Map</a></li>
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<h3>Customer Service</h3>
<div class="footer-block-content">
<ul class="links-footer">
<li><a title="Shipping Policy" href="#">Shipping Policy</a></li>
<li><a title="Compensation First" href="#">Compensation First</a></li>
<li><a title="My Account" href="{{store url=""}}customer/account">My Account</a></li>
<li><a title="Return Policy" href="#">Return Policy</a></li>
<li><a title="Contact Us" href="{{store url=""}}contact-us.html">Contact Us</a></li>
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<h3>Payment & Shipping</h3>
<div class="footer-block-content">
<ul class="links-footer">
<li><a title="Terms of Use" href="#">Terms of Use</a></li>
<li><a title="Payment Methods" href="#">Payment Methods</a></li>
<li><a title="Shipping Guide" href="#">Shipping Guide</a></li>
<li><a title="Locations We Ship To" href="#">Locations We Ship To</a></li>
<li><a title="Estimated Delivery Time" href="#">Estimated Delivery Time</a></li>
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<div class="footer-links-w">
<div class="label-link">Top Stores : Brand Directory | Store Directory</div>
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<a href="#">Micromax Tablets</a> | <a href="#">HCL Tablets</a> | <a href="#">Samsung Tablets</a> | <a href="#">Lenovo Tablets</a> | <a href="#">Karbonn Tablets</a> | <a href="#">Asus Tablets</a> | <a href="#">Apple Tablets</a> | <a href="#">View all</a></li>
<a href="#">FCUK Watches</a> | <a href="#">Titan Watches</a> | <a href="#">Casio Watches</a> | <a href="#">Fastrack Watches</a> | <a href="#">Timex Watches</a> | <a href="#">Fossil Watches</a> | <a href="#">Diesel Watches</a> | <a href="#">Luxury Watches</a> | <a href="#">View all</a></li>
<a href="#">Shirts</a> | <a href="#">Jeans</a> | <a href="#">T shirts</a> | <a href="#">Kurtis</a> | <a href="#">Sarees</a> | <a href="#">Levis Jeans</a> | <a href="#">Killer Jeans</a> | <a href="#">Pepe Jeans</a> | <a href="#">Arrow Shirts</a> | <a href="#">Ethnic Wear</a> | <a href="#">Formal Shirts</a> | <a href="#">Peter England Shirts</a> | <a href="#">View all</a></li>
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Magentech Extensions
General Settings
Enable: Allow to enable/disable the module. If choose "Disable", magento's default menu style will be applied.
Title: Enter the title of the module.
Module Settings
Menu Group Id: Enter menu group id.Select Template: This module support 2 templates for presenting of menu (Horizontal and Vertical).
Select Effect: We support effects for Mega menu (CSS/Animation)
Effect Duration: Enter effect duration
Start Level: Start level of menu
End Level: End level of menu
How to create list Menu Items for your menu?
- Sortable Categories Items: Please click Here to view.
- Backend Settings: Please click Here to view.
Click here to view documentation of SM Quickview module.
Enabled/Disable : Enable or disable the module displaying on Frontend area.
Item Class: Allow to input class item
Lable Button: Allow to enter label button
Popup Config
Auto Size: Allow to select auto size. If you select “Yes” then it will set both auto-height and auto-width
Display Overlay: Allow to select overlay OR not
Open Effect: Allow to open effect with: Elastic, Fade, None
Close Effect: Allow to close effect with: Elastic, Fade, None
Include jQuery Libary
Include jQuery: Include jQuery OR notEnable : Enable or Disable this extension.
Use Ajax: Choose "Yes" to use ajax.
Use Price Slider: Choose "Yes" to use price Slider.
Multiple Choice Filter: Choose "Yes" multiple choice filter.
Click here to view documentation of SM Cart Pro module.
General Options
Enabled CartPro Module: Enable or disable the module displaying on Frontend area.
Enable Ajax Cart: To Display Ajax cart for the module or not.
Enable Ajax for Compare: Enable or disable the Ajax box for Compare button.
Enable Ajax for Wishlist: Enable or disable the Ajax box for Wishlist button.
Countdown Number: The time of ajax box displaying on the screen.
Effect Selector: User can “Click” or ” Hover” when selecting.
Click here to view documentation of SM Basic Product module.
General Settings
Enabled/Disable: Allow to enable/disable the module.
Title of Basicproducts: You can enter title of module here.
Source Options
Product Source: Allow you to select product source.
Select Category: Allow you to select Category.
Child Category Products: Include or Exclude Products from Child Categories.
Category Depth: Allow to select the number of child category levels to return.
Featured Products: Allow to Show/Hide/Only Featured Products.
Product Field Order By: Set Product Field to Order By.
Ordering Direction: Allow to order ascending/descending direction.
Product Limitation: Allow to set product limitation.
General Settings
Enabled/Disable: Allow to enable/disable the module.
Title of Module: Enter the title of the module.
Source Options
Product Source: Allow you to select Catalog or Product IDs.
Select Category: Allow you to select Category.
Child Category Products: Include or Exclude Products from Child Categories.
Category Depth: Allow to choose the number of child category levels to return.
Featured Products: Allow to Show/Hide/Only Featured Products.
Product Field to Order By: Set Product Field to Order By.
Ordering Direction: Allow to order ascending/descending direction.
Product Limitation: Allow to set product limitation.
Product Options
Display: Allow you to enable/disable product image, title, description.
Image Width/ Height: Allow you to config width and height of product.
Max Length: Max length of title and description.
Click here to view documentation of SM Listing Tabs module.
General Settings
Enabled/Disable: Allow to enable/disable the module.
Title of Tab Listing: You can enter title of module here.
Link Target: Target to open links: New window (Open the link in the new window/tab), Same window (Open the link in the same window/tab), Popup window (Open links in new pop-up window).
Column: Set column for devices.
Source Options
Filter Type: Allow you to Type of Filter.
Select Category: Allow you to select Category.
Category Preload : Allow to preload category.
Child Category Products: Include or Exclude Products from Child Categories.
Category Depth: Allow to select the number of child category levels to return.
Featured Products: Allow to Show/Hide/Only Featured Products.
Product Field Order By: Set Product Field to Order By.
Ordering Direction: Allow to order ascending/descending direction.
Product Limitation: Allow to set product limitation.
Tabs Options
Tab All Display: Allow you display all tabs or NOT.
Category title max length: Allow to set the max length of title.
Category Order By : Set Categories Order By: Name/Position/Random .
Category Ordering Direction : Allow to order ASC(ascending)/ DESC(descending) direction.
Display Icon : Allow to display icon or NOT.
Get Image from Category Image :
Category Image: Allow to display Image of Category or NOT.
Get Image from Category Image Thumbnail Image :
Category Image Thumbnail: Allow to display Image Thumbnail of Category or NOT.
Get Image from Category Description :
Category Description: Allow to display description of Category or NOT.
Order to Get: Allow to order to get image with options such as category_image, category_thumbnail, category_description.
Resize: Allow you resize category image or NOT.
Image Width: Allow to set image width.
Image Height: Allow to set image height.
Constrain Only: If the “constrainOnly” parameter is set to true, in this case the images which are smaller than specified value will be not enlarged by Magento. Only border of such images will increase.
Keep Aspect Ratio: Allow to keep aspect ratio. If the “keepAspectRatio” parameter is set to true, in this case the proportions of the image will not be modified.
Keep Frame: The “keepFrame” parameter guarantees that the image will be not cropped. When “keepAspectRatio” is false the “keepFrame” will not work.
Keep Transparency: The “keepTransparency” parameter keep the transparent background of the images.
Background Color: Allow to set background color.
Placeholder: If items do not have image, it will get image nophoto.
Effect Options
Select Effect: Allow to select effect.
Speed: Allow to set speed of slide.
Interval: Allow to set interval timer.
Advanced Options
Include jQuery: Use jQuery from this module or not.
Include jQuery
Include jQuery: Use jQuery from this module or not.
General Settings
Enabled: Allow to enable/disable the module.
Show Popular Search: Allow to show popular Search
Limit Popular: Allow to set limit popular.
Show Advanced Search: Allow to show Advanced Search.
Click here to view documentation of SM Categories module.
SUPPORT - If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to send us via: Support Tickets System
FAQs - Go to Here to view more the Frequently Asked Questions.