Getting Started


Firstly, a huge thanks for purchasing this theme, your support is truly appreciated!
This document covers the installation and use of this theme, reveals some answers to common problems and issues. We encourage you to read throughout this document if you are experiencing any difficulties. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of document, please feel free to contact us via our Support Tickets System.

Compatible with Prestashop

Moonlight PrestaShop Theme is fully compatible with Prestashop version 1.7.x

PrestaShop Information

To install this theme you must have a working version of Prestashop already installed. If you need help installing PrestaShop, follow below sites and tutorials from, hope everything that you need are there.


Prepare Installation

There are two ways to install SP Watch Theme

  • Quickstart Installation: Suitable if you have your first installation and want to get a whole new fresh site as our Demo.
  • Manual Installation: Include of Theme layout Installation Packages.

Quickstart Installation

We provide Quickstart package for each theme which aims to ease the installation for users. It will help you save much time of installing and configuring if you plan to start your site from the beginning.
Please following steps below:

  • Step 1: Download the quickstart package of named as sp_moonlight_quickstart_pl_p1.7.5.1_v1.0.0
  • Step 2: Extract and Upload the whole Quickstart package to your server or localhost. In Quickstart folder you will see the extracted folder that include all sample data
  • Step 3: Create a Database for your PrestaShop site.
  • shopee Prestashop Theme
  • Step 4: Start installation by opening browser and navigate to your URL.
    • Installation Assistant (Choose your language)

Please note: The installation language option will not affect your store language. By default PrestaShop is offered in English. You can install additional localization packages to change the store language.

shopee Prestashop Theme

  • Installation Assistant (License agreements)

shopee Prestashop Theme

  • Checking PrestaShop Compatibility

shopee Prestashop Theme

  • Store Information

Now add required information for your store: Shop name, Main activity, Country, Shop timezone and add the account info: first name, last name, email and password. Click “Next” to next step.

shopee Prestashop Theme

  • System Configuration

Enter your database in step 3, then click the “Test your database connection now!” button to make sure that the entered settings are correct. After that, click Next button.

shopee Prestashop Theme

  • Finish installation: This process could take a few minutes

shopee Prestashop Theme

Note: For security reasons you need to delete the install/ directory on your hosting server.

And finally, go to the Frontend or Backend as you want:

shopee Prestashop Theme

Theme Installation

Note: Before installing theme, you must disable the cache. In your back office, please go to CONFIGURE >> Advanced Parameters >> Performance >> find “Cache” parameter >> Set “No” to disable cache >> Click “Save”.

shopee Prestashop Theme

SP Watch Theme Installation

Install the “” file.

1. Login to your Prestashop admin panel and navigate to IMPROVE >> Design >> Theme & Logo. At the top of the page click the Add a new theme button.

shopee Prestashop Theme

2. Navigate to “Import from your computer>> choose the zip theme file as named “ >> Save.

shopee Prestashop Theme


  • If you get the message file is too large
  • You're use prestashop version 1.7 or higher

With either case, you must upload theme file in the "/themes" folder.

shopee Prestashop Theme

- Login to your Prestashop admin panel and navigate to IMPROVE >> Design >> Theme & Logo. At the top of the page click the Add a new theme button.

shopee Prestashop Theme

- Navigate to “Import from FTP>> choose the zip theme file as named “ >> Save.

shopee Prestashop Theme

3. When your choice is successfully validated , the new theme will be shown in the section named as Select a theme for your “[name]” shop . Then Click "Use this theme" button to replace your current theme with SP shopee theme.

shopee Prestashop Theme

Note: After click button, your site may be broken. If your site was broken, please run this command: chown -R apache:apache sp_watch

4. Click "Save" button and go to front-end and view your website.

Layout Position

Position Home page

home 1 Home Style 1
home 2 Home Style 2

Homepage Configuration

Frontend Appearance:


Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Prestashop Admin Panel, navigate to IMPROVE >> Modules >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Newsletter Block” module.

Step 2: You could configure its settings like the illustration. You can Enable/Disable button "Enable Newsletter Popup" to Show/Hide popup.

Background image: You could override in folder "../themes/sp_watch/assets/img/bg_popup.jpg"

SP Custom HTML

Frontend Appearance:


Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Prestashop Admin Panel, navigate to IMPROVE >> Modules >> Modules and Services >> Installed Modules look for “SP Custom HTML module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click shopee button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

<p><span>Free Shipping & Returns | Free Watch Sizing</span> <a href="#">View More</a></p>

SP Custom HTML

Frontend Appearance:


Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Prestashop Admin Panel, navigate to IMPROVE >> Modules >> Modules and Services >> Installed Modules look for “SP Custom HTML module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click shopee button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

<h5>Over 868,000 Watches and Accessories</h5>
<p><span> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida. Risus commodo viverra maecenas accumsan lacus vel facilisis.... </span> <a href="#"> learn more </a> <img src="/ytc_templates/prestashop/sp_watch/themes/sp_watch/assets/img/cms/sign.png" alt="Static Image" /></p>
<h6>Frank Sinatra - ceo</h6>

a. SP Currencies Block

Frontend Appearance:


Backend Settings:

In the Prestashop Admin Panel, navigate to IMPROVE >> Modules >> Modules and Services >> Installed Modules look for “SP Currency Block>> click “Enable” button to enable this module.

b. SP Languages Selector Block

Frontend Appearance:


Backend Settings:

In the Prestashop Admin Panel, navigate to IMPROVE >> Modules >> Modules and Services >> Installed Modules look for “SP Languages Selector Block >> click “Enable” button to enable this module.

SP Search Pro

Frontend Appearance:


Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Prestashop Admin Panel, navigate to IMPROVE >> Modules >> Modules and Services >> Installed Modules look for “SP Search Pro” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Search Pro” configuration page, click shopee button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration.

Sp Customer "Sign in" link

Frontend Appearance:


Backend Settings:

In the Prestashop Admin Panel, navigate to IMPROVE >> Modules >> Modules and Services >> Installed Modules look for “Sp Customer "Sign in" link” module >> click “Enable" button to enable this module.

SP Shopping Cart

Frontend Appearance:


Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Prestashop Admin Panel, navigate to IMPROVE >> Modules >> Modules and Services >> Installed Modules look for “ SP Shopping Cart module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: You could configure this module like the illustration

SP Home Slider

Frontend Appearance:


Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Prestashop Admin Panel, navigate to IMPROVE >> Modules >> Modules and Services >> Installed Modules look for “Sp slider for your homepage module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Slider For Your Homepage” configuration page, click Maximum button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Step 4: In the last part named Slides List of this configuration page, click Maximum button in the right corner to add new slide and edit slide’s information as follows:

  • Sample 1: Please click Here to view

SP Custom HTML

Frontend Appearance:


Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Prestashop Admin Panel, navigate to IMPROVE >> Modules >> Modules and Services >> Installed Modules look for “SP Custom HTML module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click shopee button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

<div class="image banner col-xl-7 col-lg-7 col-md-6 col-sm-12"><img src="/ytc_templates/prestashop/sp_watch/themes/sp_watch/assets/img/cms/img-collection.png" alt="Static Image" /></div>
<div class="main-content col-xl-5 col-lg-5 col-md-6 col-sm-12">
<div class="tittle_main">
<h5>Coming soon <span>classy & cozy</span></h5>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do <br /> eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.<br /> Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida. Risus commodo viverra <br /> maecenas accumsan lacus vel facilisis.</p>
<a href="#">Shop Now</a></div>

SP Manufacture Slider

Frontend Appearance:


Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Prestashop Admin Panel, navigate to IMPROVE >> Modules >> Modules and Services >> Installed Modules look for “SP Manufacture Slider module.

Step 2: In the “SP Manufacture Slider” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

SP Filter Products – Best Selling

Frontend Appearance:


Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Prestashop Admin Panel, navigate to IMPROVE >> Modules >> Modules and Services >> Installed Modules look for “SP Filter Products module.

Step 2: In the “SP Filter Products” configuration page, click shopee button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Note: Do the same with other hook (displayFilterproducts2).

SP Custom HTML

Frontend Appearance:


Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Prestashop Admin Panel, navigate to IMPROVE >> Modules >> Modules and Services >> Installed Modules look for “SP Custom HTML module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click shopee button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

<div class="testimonial-items">
<div class="item">
<div class="img"><img src="/ytc_templates/prestashop/sp_watch/themes/sp_watch/assets/img/cms/cus-1.jpg" alt="#" /></div>
<div class="text">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod <br /> tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse <br /> ultrices gravida. Risus commodo viverra</p>
<div class="name">David Beckham</div>
<div class="job">Ceo - Magentech</div>
<div class="item">
<div class="img"><img src="/ytc_templates/prestashop/sp_watch/themes/sp_watch/assets/img/cms/cus-2.jpg" alt="#" /></div>
<div class="text">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod <br /> tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse <br /> ultrices gravida. Risus commodo viverra</p>
<div class="name">Johny Walker</div>
<div class="job">Manager - United</div>
<div class="item">
<div class="img"><img src="/ytc_templates/prestashop/sp_watch/themes/sp_watch/assets/img/cms/cus-1.jpg" alt="#" /></div>
<div class="text">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod <br /> tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse <br /> ultrices gravida. Risus commodo viverra</p>
<div class="name">Sharon Stone</div>
<div class="job">Acc - Hollywood</div>

SP Custom HTML

Frontend Appearance:


Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Prestashop Admin Panel, navigate to IMPROVE >> Modules >> Modules and Services >> Installed Modules look for “SP Custom HTML module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click shopee button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

<p><a href="#"><img src="/ytc_templates/prestashop/sp_watch/themes/sp_watch/assets/img/cms/logo-bottom.png" alt="Static Image" /></a></p>


Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Prestashop Admin Panel, navigate to IMPROVE >> Modules >> Modules and Services >> Installed Modules look for “SP Footer Links module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Footer Links” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Note: Do the same with displayFooterLinks2, displayFooterLinks3, displayFooterLinks4.

SP NewsLetter Block

Frontend Appearance:


Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Prestashop Admin Panel, navigate to IMPROVE >> Modules >> Modules and Services >> Installed Modules look for “SP Newsletter block module.

Step 2: In the “SP Newsletter block” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Prestashop Admin Panel, navigate to IMPROVE >> Modules >> Modules and Services >> Installed Modules look for “SP Theme Configuration module.

Step 2: In the SP Theme Settings, choose “General” to configure the parameters in this section.


SP Theme Configuration

In your Prestashop Admin Dashboard, navigate to IMPROVE >> Modules >> Modules and Services >> go to Installed modules section, search for “SP Theme Configuration” module then click to Configure.

General Settings

In the SP Theme Configuration, choose “General” to configure the parameters in this section. After finishing, you could go to the front-end to view the changes.

Layout Settings

In the SP Theme Configuration, choose “Layout” to configure the parameters in this section. After finishing, you could go to the front-end to view the changes.

Background Settings

In the SP Theme Configuration, choose “Background” to configure the parameters in this section. After finishing, you could go to the front-end to view the changes.


In the SP Theme Configuration, choose “Fonts” to configure the parameters in this section. After finishing, you could go to the front-end to view the changes.

Note: Please copy and paste the following line into Font Selector tab:








Listing page

In the SP Theme Configuration, choose “Listing Pages” to configure the parameters in this section. After finishing, you could go to the front-end to view the changes.


+ Show number of products in current category

Display product number on Listing Page (Show/Hide)

Frontend Appearance:


+ Product title

Display product title on Listing Page (Show/Hide)

Frontend Appearance:


+ Show product description

Display product short description on Listing Page (Show/Hide)

Frontend Appearance:


+ Show Quick view

Display button Quickview on Listing Page (Show/Hide)

Frontend Appearance:


+ Show product price

Display product price on Listing Page (Show/Hide)

Frontend Appearance:


+ Show product label (New/Sale)

Display product price on Listing Page (Show/Hide)

Frontend Appearance:


Product Pages

In the SP Theme Configuration, choose “Product Pages” to configure the parameters in this section. After finishing, you could go to the front-end to view the changes.


+ Thumbnails Type

Choose type display of thumbnails block on product page.

Frontend Appearance:

-Vertical Thumbnails


-Horizontal Thumbnails


+ Display thumbnails

Number of thumbnails be displayed.

Backend Settings:


+ Display Product SKU

Show/Hide Product SKU.

Frontend Appearance:


+ Display Product Attribute

Show/Hide Product Attribute.


+ Display Product Availability

Show/Hide Product Availability.

Frontend Appearance:


+ Share buttons

Show/Hide Share buttons.

Frontend Appearance:


+ Short Product Description

Show/Hide Short Product Description.

Frontend Appearance:


Custom Codes

In the SP Theme Configuration, choose "Custom Codes" to configure the parameters in this section. After finishing, you could go to the front-end to view the changes.

Frontend Appearance

- You can input css or javascript.

Examples code css

	background-color: red;

Examples code Javascript

alert('This is demo javascript');

Custom Codes

- In the SP Theme Settings, choose “Advanced” to configure the parameters in this section. After finishing, you could go to the front-end to view the changes.

1. SCSS Compile

- Active: The system will automatically compile into CSS from SCSS when you refresh the website

Note: System will change css file theme-...css. Ex: theme-ff0000.css

Do not edit css file when active SCSS Compile

2. CSS Format

Css formatting after compile from sass.

  • scss_formatter: Css Normal
  • scss_formatter_nested: Css Nested
  • scss_formatter_compressed: Css Compressed

3. Edit file CSS

There are two instances to edit css file via ftp.

  • SCSS Compile: Disable
  • SCSS Compile: Enable

1. SCSS Compile: Disable

- You can edit css file of modules.

Example: "../themes/sp_watch/modules/spcustomhtml/views/css/style.css"

- You can edit css file of theme.


+) "../themes/sp_watch/assets/css/theme-0083c1.css"

+) "../themes/sp_watch/assets/css/theme.css"

2. SCSS Compile: Enable

- You can edit css file of modules. (Sample as Disable)

Note: The system will generate css file "theme-0083c1.css, theme-{color code}.css"

Your changes to this file will be lost

- You must edit file "*.scss" in the folder "_dev/css"

Example: "../themes/sp_watch/_dev/css/themestyles/_content.scss"

SP Megamenu Configuration

SP Megamenu (displayMenu)

Click Here to view documentation of SP MegaMenu module.

Frontend Appearance:

1. Navigate to IMPROVE >> Modules >> Modules and Services go to Installed modules section and look for SP Mega Menu >> Click the Configure button to access the module configuration page.

2. In the SP Mega Menu Panel, you could Add New Module by click on the button like the following image:


3. You could configure General Options then click "Save" or "Save and stay" button.


4. Menu list of Mega Menu. You need to look at the menu list to configure easily.

5. Examples. Create megamenu as the demo.


  • Step1: Create menu "Shop" level 1. Scroll down you could configure Menu Information as follows:
  • Step2: Create Menu Item.
    - Create banner image and title

    Copy and paste the following code into the content HTML:

    <div class="cha clearfix">
    <li style="width: 23%; float: left; padding: 0 15px;"><a href="#">Accessories</a></h5>
    <li style="width: 23%; float: left; padding: 0 15px;"><a href="#">Watch</a></h5>
    <li style="width: 23%; float: left; padding: 0 15px;"><a href="#">Bath & Body</a></h5>
    - Create submenu item. In this step, you can do the same to create other items.
  • Step 4: After each step, click "Save config" button and finally go to the front-end to view.

  • Other Modules

    Click here to view Backend Setting
    Click here to view Frontend Appearance
    Click here to view Backend Setting
    Click here to view documentation of SP Custom Html module.
    Click here to view Frontend Appearance
    Click here to view Backend Setting
    Click here to view documentation of SP Filter Products module.
    Click here to view Frontend Appearance
    Click here to view Backend Setting
    Click here to view documentation of SP One Step Checkout module.
    Click here to view Frontend Appearance
    Click here to view Backend Setting
    Click here to view Frontend Appearance
    Click here to view Backend Setting
    Click here to view documentation of SP Slider For Your Homepage module.
    Click here to view Frontend Appearance
    Click here to view Backend Setting
    Click here to view Frontend Appearance
    Click here to view Backend Setting
    Click here to view Frontend Appearance
    Click here to view Backend Setting
    Click here to view documentation of SP Search Pro module.
    Click here to view Frontend Appearance
    Click here to view Frontend Appearance
    Click here to view Frontend Appearance
    Click here to view Backend Setting
    Click here to view Frontend Appearance
    Click here to view Backend Setting
    Click here to view documentation of SP Footer Links module.
    Click here to view Frontend Appearance
    Click here to view Backend Setting
    Click here to view documentation of SP Instagram Gallery module.

    Blog Page

    Blog Page

    Backend Settings:

    Step 1:

    • Install the "" file.
    • Install the "" file.
    • Install the "" file.

    Step 2: In the Prestashop Admin Panel, navigate to IMPROVE >> Modules >> Modules and Services >> Installed Modules

    Step 3: You could configure this module like the following image.

    - Smart Blog


    - SmartBlog Home Latest


    Please read more guide for Smartblog at here. SmartBlog Module

    Contact Page

    Contact Page


    Note: You can change Map in folder: themes\sp_watch\templates\contact.tpl

    About us Page

    About us Page

    Frontend Appearance:


    Backend Setting:

    Step 1: In the Prestashop Admin Panel, navigate to IMPROVE >> Design >> Pages

    Step 2: In the “Pages” configuration page, click shopee button in the right corner to “ADD NEW”.

    Step 3: You could add new cms page like the illustration

    Copy and paste the following code into the content:

    <div class="about-wrap">
    <div class="why-choose clearfix">
    <div class="title">
    <h3>What we do</h3>
    <p>The first of the month is coming, we have to get money, we have no choice</p>
    <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-12 item shipping">
    <div class="content">
    <div class="icon"><img src="/ytc_templates/prestashop/sp_watch/themes/sp_watch/assets/img/cms/about-item-1.png" alt="#" /></div>
    <div class="text">
    <h4><a href="#">Digital Marketing</a></h4>
    <p>Lorem Khaled Ipsum is a major key to success. Eliptical talk. The key to more success is to get a massage once a week, very important, major key, cloth talk.</p>
    <!--end text--></div>
    <!--end content--></div>
    <!--end item--></div>
    <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-12 item money">
    <div class="content">
    <div class="icon"><img src="/ytc_templates/prestashop/sp_watch/themes/sp_watch/assets/img/cms/about-item-2.png" alt="#" /></div>
    <div class="text">
    <h4><a href="#">Creative Design</a></h4>
    <p>Lorem Khaled Ipsum is a major key to success. Eliptical talk. The key to more success is to get a massage once a week, very important, major key, cloth talk.</p>
    <!--end text--></div>
    <!--end content--></div>
    <!--end item--></div>
    <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-12 item support">
    <div class="content">
    <div class="icon"><img src="/ytc_templates/prestashop/sp_watch/themes/sp_watch/assets/img/cms/about-item-3.png" alt="#" /></div>
    <div class="text">
    <h4><a href="#">Strategic Planing</a></h4>
    <p>Lorem Khaled Ipsum is a major key to success. Eliptical talk. The key to more success is to get a massage once a week, very important, major key, cloth talk.</p>
    <!--end text--></div>
    <!--end content--></div>
    <!--end item--></div>
    <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-12 item support">
    <div class="content">
    <div class="icon"><img src="/ytc_templates/prestashop/sp_watch/themes/sp_watch/assets/img/cms/about-item-4.png" alt="#" /></div>
    <div class="text">
    <h4><a href="#">Optimazine SEO</a></h4>
    <p>Lorem Khaled Ipsum is a major key to success. Eliptical talk. The key to more success is to get a massage once a week, very important, major key, cloth talk.</p>
    <!--end text--></div>
    <!--end content--></div>
    <!--end item--></div>
    <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-12 item support">
    <div class="content">
    <div class="icon"><img src="/ytc_templates/prestashop/sp_watch/themes/sp_watch/assets/img/cms/about-item-5.png" alt="#" /></div>
    <div class="text">
    <h4><a href="#">Brand Indentity</a></h4>
    <p>Lorem Khaled Ipsum is a major key to success. Eliptical talk. The key to more success is to get a massage once a week, very important, major key, cloth talk.</p>
    <!--end text--></div>
    <!--end content--></div>
    <!--end item--></div>
    <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-12 item support">
    <div class="content">
    <div class="icon"><img src="/ytc_templates/prestashop/sp_watch/themes/sp_watch/assets/img/cms/about-item-6.png" alt="#" /></div>
    <div class="text">
    <h4><a href="#">Website Development</a></h4>
    <p>Lorem Khaled Ipsum is a major key to success. Eliptical talk. The key to more success is to get a massage once a week, very important, major key, cloth talk.</p>
    <!--end text--></div>
    <!--end content--></div>
    <!--end item--></div>
    <!--end why-choose--></div>
    <div class="about-project"><img src="/ytc_templates/prestashop/sp_watch/themes/sp_watch/assets/img/cms/project.jpg" alt="#" /></div>
    <!--end project-->
    <div class="our-team">
    <div class="title">
    <h3>Our Team</h3>
    <p>The first of the month is coming, we have to get money, we have no choice</p>
    <div class="out-team-content owl-carousel">
    <div class="content-inner">
    <div class="image"><img src="/ytc_templates/prestashop/sp_watch/themes/sp_watch/assets/img/cms/our-team-1.jpg" alt="#" />
    <div class="socials"><a class="fb" href="#">Facebook</a> <a class="tw" href="#">Twitter</a> <a class="google" href="#">Google</a><a class="dribbble" href="#">Dribbble</a><a class="linkedin" href="#">Linkedin</a></div>
    <div class="text">
    <h3 class="name">Share Portman</h3>
    <h5 class="job">Ceo</h5>
    <div class="content-inner">
    <div class="image"><img src="/ytc_templates/prestashop/sp_watch/themes/sp_watch/assets/img/cms/our-team-2.jpg" alt="#" />
    <div class="socials"><a class="fb" href="#">Facebook</a> <a class="tw" href="#">Twitter</a> <a class="google" href="#">Google</a><a class="dribbble" href="#">Dribbble</a><a class="linkedin" href="#">Linkedin</a></div>
    <div class="text">
    <h3 class="name">Jimmy Carter</h3>
    <h5 class="job">Director</h5>
    <div class="content-inner">
    <div class="image"><img src="/ytc_templates/prestashop/sp_watch/themes/sp_watch/assets/img/cms/our-team-3.jpg" alt="#" />
    <div class="socials"><a class="fb" href="#">Facebook</a> <a class="tw" href="#">Twitter</a> <a class="google" href="#">Google</a><a class="dribbble" href="#">Dribbble</a><a class="linkedin" href="#">Linkedin</a></div>
    <div class="text">
    <h3 class="name">Warrent Buffet</h3>
    <h5 class="job">Deverlopment</h5>
    <div class="content-inner">
    <div class="image"><img src="/ytc_templates/prestashop/sp_watch/themes/sp_watch/assets/img/cms/our-team-4.jpg" alt="#" />
    <div class="socials"><a class="fb" href="#">Facebook</a> <a class="tw" href="#">Twitter</a> <a class="google" href="#">Google</a><a class="dribbble" href="#">Dribbble</a><a class="linkedin" href="#">Linkedin</a></div>
    <div class="text">
    <h3 class="name">Jame Bone</h3>
    <h5 class="job">Designer</h5>
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    <h3 class="name">Mary Stone</h3>
    <h5 class="job">Designer</h5>
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    <p class="name-skill">Development</p>
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    <p class="name-skill">Website Design</p>
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    <p class="name-skill">HTML / CSS</p>
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    <p class="name-skill">Photography</p>
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    <div class="tooltip-range"><span>50%</span></div>
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    Management Languages

    1. Add new Language

    Step 1:

    - In the Prestashop Admin Panel, navigate to IMPROVE >> International >> Translations


    Step 2:

    - At here, Scroll to block "ADD / UPDATE A LANGUAGE"

    - Then, Select the language you want to add new, and click button "Add or update a language"


    2. Export Language

    Step 1:

    - In the Prestashop Admin Panel, navigate to IMPROVE >> International >> Translations (Same Add new Language)

    Step 2:

    - At here, Scroll to block "Export a Language"

    - Then, Select Language and Your theme that you want Export, and click button "Export"


    3. Import Language

    Step 1:

    - In the Prestashop Admin Panel, navigate to IMPROVE >> International >> Translations (Same Add new Language)

    Step 2:

    - At here, Scroll to block "Import a language pack manually"

    - Then, click button "Add file" and choose file language and select your theme, and click button "Import"


    4. Management Language

    Step 1:

    - In the Prestashop Admin Panel, navigate to IMPROVE >> International >> Localization, and choose tab "Languages"

    - You can edit or delete language on your store


    Step 2:

    - If you want change language, click button "Edit".



    Management Currencies

    Step 1:

    - In the Prestashop Admin Panel, navigate to IMPROVE >> International >> Localization, and choose tab "Currencies"


    Step 2:

    - In the "Currencies" configuration page, click button shopee in the right corner to “ADD NEW”.

    Step 3:

    You could configure this module like the illustration


    Management Translation

    1. Translations Theme

    Step 1:

    - In the Prestashop Admin Panel, navigate to IMPROVE >> International >> Translations (Same Add new Language)

    Step 2:

    - In the "Translations" configuration page, scroll to block "MODIFY TRANSLATIONS"

    1. Choose "Type of translation" is "Theme translations"
    2. Choose "Select your theme" is your theme you want translated.
    3. Select your language you want translated

    - Then click button "Modify"


    - Here, you can translate the text in the theme.


    2. Translations Modules

    Step 1:

    - In the Prestashop Admin Panel, navigate to IMPROVE >> International >> Translations (Same Add new Language)

    Step 2:

    - In the "Translations" configuration page, scroll to block "MODIFY TRANSLATIONS"

    1. Choose "Type of translation" is "Installed modules translations"
    2. Choose "Select your module" is your module you want translated.
    3. Select your language you want translated

    - Then click button "Modify"


    - Here, you can translate the text in the module.




    SUPPORT - If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to send us via: Support Tickets System
    FAQs - Go to Here to view more the Frequently Asked Questions.

    Change Log

    Click here to view change log.